The Physical Activity, Mental Health and Wellbeing of Adolescents at Risk for Non-communicable Diseases in the Eastern Cape, South Africa: The Role of Gender and Poverty


Adolescents in resource-constrained settings face unique challenges that intersect physical activity, mental health, well-being, and vulnerability to non-communicable diseases. This study explores the physical activity, mental health and well-being of adolescents at risk for non-communicable diseases in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, with a focus on the influence of poverty and gender inequality. The research highlights the interplay between socio-economic factors, behavioral risk factors, and psychological outcomes in a context marked by systemic inequities. Situated within the fields of psychology, the study contributes to understanding how structural determinants shape adolescent health outcomes. A quantitative cross-sectional design was employed, utilizing a stratified random sample of 266 adolescents aged 14–17 from eight urban and rural schools in two Eastern Cape districts. Data were collected on behavioral risk factors (smoking, drinking, physical inactivity) and mental health indicators, with analyses including correlation tests, chi-square analyses, and logistic regression. Key findings reveal that 69.7% of adolescents were at risk for NCDs, with 59.8% reporting mild to severe psychological distress and only 36.7% flourishing. Physical inactivity was significantly associated with psychological distress and non-communicable diseases risk, particularly among females and those from poorer backgrounds. The study’s limitations include its cross-sectional design, which precludes causal inferences. The findings underscore the compounded impact of gender and socio-economic status on mental health and non-communicable diseases risk, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions addressing structural inequities to improve adolescent health outcomes in low-resource settings.


Leon van Niekerk
Professor of Psychology, Criminology, Psychology and Social Work, University of Fort Hare, Eastern Cape, South Africa


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Sport and Health


Physical, Activity, Mental, Health, Wellbeing, Adolescents, Non-Communicable, Diseases, Poverty, Gender