Applying the Precautionary Principle to Hidden Collapse: Long Term Precautionary Risk Management for Failing Ecosystems


Hidden collapse is where an extant forest (or other ecosystem) is appearing intact yet shows environmental indicators of future collapse.This phenomena was first identified by Professor David Lindenmayer in 2017 in Mountain Ash forests in Victoria, Australia. The implication is the need for long term precautionary risk management in ecosystems showing signs of future collapse. To address long term risk in this context requires regulating methodologies for when to apply the precautionary principle and the nature and extent of the precautionary response. It is apparent that both the trigger and response methodologies require administrative processes that go beyond reliance on ad hoc discretionary decision making. This study addresses the nature of these methodologies against a backdrop of developments in administrative constitutionalism that properly manages long term risk in changing environmental circumstances across diverse ecosystems.


Rhett Martin
Student, PhD, University of Southern Queensland, Queensland, Australia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Ecological Realities


Hidden Collapse, Long Term Risk Management, Sustainability, Precautionary Response