This study engaged graduate students in an analysis of current models of digital instruction based on perceived future needs in educational and non-education settings. Through analysis of current delivery models as well as an examination of available current statistics and identification of future needs–participants offer insights with regard to online delivery, content design, and digital delivery to meet the needs of a global community of learners. The study adopted a qualitative framework and took the Grounded Theory approach and social constructivist perspective. The framework allowed the inquiry to encompasses emphasis on diverse learning worlds, multiple realities, the complexities of specific situations, views, and ultimate decisions. Emphasis on participant views, beliefs, assumptions, decision-making processes, and ideologies of the individual participants as well as their experiences became key to the inquiry. The study’s goal was to encourage graduate students preparing for online teaching through enrollment in the Digital Teaching and Learning Certificate and degree program in analysis, examination, and identification of needs in order to make informed decisions for future online teaching and learning. In addition, findings from the study may assist others who are responsible for digital teaching and learning, project management, and creating appropriate content as they examine online teaching models and apply those models to future learning envrionments for diverse learners in a global learning community.
Dorothy Valcarcel CraigProfessor of Education, Department of Educational Leadership, Middle Tennessee State University, Tennessee, United States
Presentation Type
Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Digital Learning, Teaching Online Education, Online Teaching