Plenary Session and Discussion with Carsten Keller
Carsten Keller, Dr. phil., is Professor of Urban and Regional Sociology at the University of Kassel. His work focuses on social space, segregation and migration research, as well as empirical methods of social research. Most recently, he conducted research in the project networks "StadtTeilen - Öffentlicher Raum und Wohnen als neue Gemeingüter in sozial gemischten Nachbarschaften (CitySharing – Public Space and Housing as Common Goods in Socially Mixed Neighbourhoods)", funded by the Robert Bosch Stiftung from 2019 to 2023, and "ProSHARE - Enhancing Diversity, Inclusion and Social Cohesion through Practices of Sharing in Housing and Public Space", funded by Urban Europe from 2021 to 2023. He is currently leading a project in the research network "New Suburbanity".
This session will be recorded, a video recording will be posted below for registered delegates shortly following the session.