By community we mean a group of people group of people living in a given geographic area and interacting among them, defining diverse among themselves, defining diverse social dynamics and, as defined by Andreu (2008), often not determined by limits or boundaries. This work is developed based on the theory of community psychology, focusing specifically on the specifically on the so-called empowerment, considering authors such as Musito and Buelga (2004) who propose alternatives for proactive, positive and preventive solutions to problems. The present study aims to and document the community development of San Juan El Alto, Plazuelas, Gto. since the beginning of the exploration works with a view to the opening of its archaeological site, in order to the opening of its archaeological site, as well as the initiatives proposed for the improvement of the village through its participation in the program called Traditional cooks carried out by the Secretary of Tourism of the State of Guanajuato (SECTUR). The initiatives of the villagers themselves in order to strengthen the economy through tourism, and the tourism, and raising awareness about the preservation and conservation of the pre-Hispanic preservation and conservation of the pre-Hispanic heritage of which they are a part. The research has a qualitative, descriptive, exploratory and field descriptive, exploratory and field-based approach, using group interviews with key informants to obtain data collection and participant observation.The methodology consists of the following phases: documentary research, field research, semi-structured interview design and application of semi-structured interviews, data analysis, conclusion and writing.
Ma. Eugenia Sanchez RamosProfesora, Departamento de Estudios Organizacionales, Universidad de Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico Laura Elena Zarate Negrete
Profesor de Tiempo Completo, Departamento de Estudios Oranizacionales, Universidad de Guanajuato UGU 450325 KY2, Guanajuato, Mexico Carmen Dolores Barroso GarcĂa
Universidad de Guanajuato
Presentation Type
Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Community Development, Empowerment, Tourism, Gastronomy, Sustainability