Centre and Periphery as Fractal Recursion : A Case Study from a Czech Post-industrial City


I argue for understanding the relationship between centre and periphery as a fractal recursion, a concept developed by linguist Susan Gal and sociologist Gail Kligman in their study of gender and public and private spaces in post-socialist societies. The tension between centre and periphery generates a complex dynamic that simultaneously defines, negotiates, and evolves the content of both categories. Not only are the boundaries between centre and periphery fluid and porous, but spaces—whether physical or socially constructed—that we perceive as central often contain peripheral elements, just as peripheral locations can function as autonomous centres. This dynamic is particularly complex in places that have undergone turbulent political and social changes, such as post-socialist countries in Eastern and Central Europe, where old and new forms coexist on the same plane. I examine this through the example of Ostrava, a mid-sized, post-industrial Czech city, where I conducted 18 months of ethnographic fieldwork, using unstructured and semi-structured interviews, participant observation, and archival research. I show how the concept of fractal recursion can help us understand the complex relationship between centres and peripheries and the ways in which it impacts the daily lives of urban residents.


Kristina Alda
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Center for Theoretical Study, Charles University, Czech Republic


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Social Impacts


Centre, Periphery, Post-industrial, Post-socialist, Ethnography