Integrity of Sustainability Literacy in the UK Construction Industry: A Multi-dimensional Analysis


This research examines the integrity of sustainability literacy among UK-based construction professionals, as sustainability literacy is one of the key factors affecting sustainable applications and resolutions in the construction industry. This study has anticipated the main aspects of industrial performance and experience, sustainability-related educational qualifications and knowledge, and organizational training toward sustainability in discovering the integrity of sustainability literacy among UK-based construction professionals. In reaching the research aim, it has followed a quantitative approach by conducting a questionnaire survey among construction managers in the UK and analyzing data using the SPSS software. The analysis consists of a frequency analysis and a descriptive analysis. The research findings revealed a varied amount of integration across the measures. Consequently, educational qualifications and knowledge were found to be highly integrated while organizational training and practical experience require further improvements. Overall, this research demonstrates the necessity of a more holistic approach to enhancing construction professionals’ sustainability literacy levels via continuous professional development, active engagement in sustainable projects, and targeted organizational training.


Tharaki Hettiarachchi
Lecturer in Construction, Faculty of Built Environment, Peterborough College, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Constructing the Environment


Construction, United Kingdom, Sustainability Literacy, Sustainable Construction