In the twenty-first century, medicine and the healthcare system in general are undergoing a paradigm shift in their clinical gaze towards the patient. The shift is from a biomedical gaze that reduces the patient simply to big datasets to a holistic gaze that includes not just the patient’s personal data and narrative but also empowers the patient to participate in the healing or therapeutic process. In this study, two elements are examined in detail that are involved in this shift. The first is artificial intelligence, which provides clinicians with the computing power to make precise clinical decisions on how best to treat the patient based on big datasets. The second element is emotional intelligence, which allows the clinician to gaze empathically on the patient in terms of how the illness disrupts the patient’s life world, especially in terms of the patient’s values and preferences. The benefit of this shift from a reductionist biomedical model to holistic healthcare model is that artificial and emotional intelligence complement one another to provide patients with quality healthcare.
Presentation Type
2025 Special Focus—Emotional vs Artificial Intelligence: A Paradigm Shift in Healthcare?
Biomedicine, Health, Holism, Reductionism