We consider methodologies used to construct a novel, complex, and enriched scale for the initial screening of potential human subjects for inclusion in bio-medical related research projects. The researchers selected a mixed-methods research approach for the scale’s validation. This incorporated a diverse data collection process as the basis for the scale and the analyses necessary to inform the research concerning the protocols for scale construction and interpretation parameters. Methods included: 1) use of the seven components of the Engaged Aging Concept (Awareness, Desire to Participate, Willingness to Engage, Commitment, Knowledge, Ability, and Epiphany), 2) multi-national participant recruitment, 3) data collection with and peer review by a Common Ground academic audience, and 4) quantitative and qualitative measures in data analysis. The anticipated implications of this research include: 1) the creation of a useable scale which may be pertinent in assisting in the determination of human subject suitability for further screening, 2) potentially streamlining participant selection, thereby reducing the time and resources required for inclusion and continuation in the selection process, 3) the identification of potential impediments which may preclude subject inclusion, and 4) informing the profession concerning the steps used in the formulation of an original scale. Finally, this research corroborates both the need for proactive planning and complete understanding of the impacts of the scale’s barriers on decision makers, and those working with human subjects.