Community-based Project to Improve Stroke Symptom and Coping Method Awareness: Disadvantaged Area Support Project of a Regional Cardiocerebrovascular Disease Center


Awareness of stroke symptoms and coping methods is important for symptom to treat time and prognosis. We have planned to make community based project to improve awareness and have got together with H county in G state. H county analyzes awareness level by distrcts of grassroot governance in rural area then selects one subregion. G regional cardiocerebrovascular disease center develop and train stroke symptom educators with 4.5 hour program including practices using role playing. Educators are selected in H public health center and registration and education center for hypertension and education in H county. Public health workers have educated stroke symptoms and coping methods for 237 residents in 12 senior citizens centers. 71 residents in 7 senior citizens centers are selected as control. Poster, leaflet, promotion board, and local newsletter are also installed for educated centers. H county investigate participants for before education, after 1 month, after 5 months, and after 10 months. Our results show educated participants’s 5 symptom awareness are as follows; pre 10.9%, post 1 month 83.8%, post 5 month 63.8%, and post 10 month 65.2%. Unducated participants’s 5 symptom awareness are as follows; pre 11.3%, post 1 month 20.5%, post 5 month 39.1%, and 10 month 34.4%. Mean number of symptoms awared among educated participants increase from 1.7 to 4.2 whereas that among uneducated participants increase from 1.8 to 3.6. Symptom awareness increases and maintains over 10 months. Community based education and promotion also seem to raise uneducated residents. It is helpful and effective.


Heyjean Lee
Clinical Professor, Preventive Medicine, Kangwon National University Hoispital, Gang'weondo [Kang-won-do], South Korea


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Health Promotion and Education


Stroke, Symptom, Awareness, Community-based