This research explores the transformative potential of participatory and community-driven museum practices in contemporary art institutions, focusing on the integration of social media platforms such as Instagram to empower marginalised voices and enhance social cohesion. The democratisation of image creation and editing through user-friendly tools on platforms like Instagram has reshaped the landscape of photography and cultural heritage interpretation. By enabling the modification and dissemination of museum content, these platforms challenge traditional curatorial practices, fostering new, community-generated interpretations of art. Through the case study of Christian Schad’s ‘Self-Portrait’ (1927) and the ‘Studio Practice’ exhibition at Tate Modern, this research examines how bottom-up online curatorial practices by Instagram users can enrich museum visitors’ experiences. It highlights the innovative methodology of “i-curation”, a participatory approach that positions social media users as co-creators, granting them agency to reimagine and reinterpret artworks. The culmination of this investigation was the development of the i-Curation Interactive Installation, a temporary intervention designed to engage the public as active participants, protagonists and content creators. Without the need for facilitation, this installation encourages diverse interpretations of Schad’s painting through community-driven storytelling and visual engagement. Situated at the intersection of digital anthropology and curatorial practice, this research demonstrates how co-curation with online communities can foster inclusivity, amplify underrepresented voices and contribute to the reimagining of museum practices. By leveraging the dynamic network of social media, museums can cultivate deeper connections with their audiences, creating spaces that are not only reflective but also representative of collective cultural narratives.
Presentation Type
Paper Presentation in a Themed Session