A Naturally-Occuring Ecomuseum in Polish Spisz


The topic of the paper is a naturally-occurring ecomuseum in the region of Spisz in southern Poland. With respect to the scope of the paper, this unique complex of museums encompasses the rustic household aesthetics, school regional chambers, a local family museum, and annual cultural events. All of these enterprises use artifacts from the past or their replicas, which constitute metonymic vehicles that connect the residents of Spisz with the local cultural legacy. They are part of a greater whole, i.e., the regional cultural heritage, which contains elements of folklore, traditional attire, architecture, aesthetic and ethical values, religious beliefs, the local dialect, etc. Indeed, the process of musealization, which is an inextricable aspect of the creation of cultural heritage, expands beyond the aforementioned protomuseal activities and forms a type of extended naturally-occurring ecomuseum.


Janusz Barański
Professor, Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Jagiellonian University, Poland


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2025 Special Focus—Galleries, Libraries, Archives & Museums: Engines of Innovation and Social Participation


Naturally-occurring Ecomuseum, Musealization, Regional Culture, Heritage, Identity