People with disabilities are still underrepresented in exhibitions and their perspectives are hardly included in the process of making exhibitions more accessible (González-Herrera et al., 2023; Kreinbucher-Bekerle & Pateisky, 2021). Against this backdrop, the GrazMuseum held an exhibition on the topic “Graz Posters 1920-1955”. This marks an unique exhibition due to the fact that people with different disabilities were involved in all project phases, starting from the initial idea to conceptualization, during the production of the exhibition, as artists, during visitors education and also when evaluating the exhibition. Therefore, the content of the exhibition could be experienced using listening, touching or smelling stations. Moreover, the whole texts for the exhibition were presented in easy-to-read language. In this way, the exhibition provided an inclusive offer and a sensual added value for visitors with and without physical, learning, hearing and visual disabilities. The project has also had a sustainable impact on the museum and people from several departments have learned from it. In the paper we highlight the process of designing the exhibition in combination with feedback from the visitors (e.g., several focus groups and 112 questionnaires). Finally, we reflect the collaboration of people with disabilities, museum staff and the scientific researchers in terms of citizen science, highlighting the potential in creating accessible art for all visitors.
Christoph Kreinbucher BekerlePost-Doc Researcher, Human Movement Science, Sport and Health, University of Graz, Austria
Presentation Type
Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Accessibility, Inclusive Art, Museum, Participatory Research