This research investigates the intersection of inclusive design principles and chess metaphors in museum architecture, examining how design elements can create accessible and meaningful experiences for diverse visitors. Using the Sekolah Catur Utut Adianto (SCUA) Chess Museum in Bekasi, Indonesia as a case study, this research explores how architectural and interior design elements can facilitate inclusive engagement while celebrating the rich cultural heritage of chess. The study employs the metaphor of historical dialectics embodied in chess, exploring how the contrast between black and white pieces represents not only strategic rivalry but also serves as a metaphor for dialogue between past and future. This conceptual framework is examined through three specific zones within the museum: the Chess Facts and Uniqueness Zone, Children’s Zone, and Photo Zone, chosen for their diverse visitor engagement patterns. The methodology combines qualitative spatial analysis with visitor experience assessment, focusing on how design elements such as proportion, scale, layout, lighting, texture, and color contribute to creating inclusive environments. Initial findings suggest that successful inclusive design in chess museums requires careful consideration of both physical accessibility and cognitive engagement, while the metaphorical use of chess elements in spatial design enhances visitor understanding and maintains accessibility.
Undi GunawanSenior Lecturer, Architecture Department - School of Design, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Banten, Indonesia July Hidayat
Lecturer, Interior Design Department, University of Pelita Harapan, Banten, Indonesia
Presentation Type
Paper Presentation in a Themed Session
Inclusive Design, Museum Architecture, Chess History, Spatial Experience, Accessibility Design