Latino cARTographies is a portable, fully bilingual, and truly interactive 360-degree digital touchscreen that presents and preserves the Latino art of Houston. A response to the call from local Latino artists and community members, Latino cARTographies was designed to embrace and empower the city’s Latino arts community by bringing the museum to the community and the community to the museum. Combining research in library archives, Internet data, and interviews with artists and community members, Latino cARTographies provides an engaging and educational introduction to the Latino art of Houston. With just a swipe of the finger visitors have access to 300+ Houston Latino artists, eight Latino communities, and 81+ landmarks, accompanied by first-person memorias. With more than 5000 images, video, text, avatars, animation, virtual galleries, and special effects, digital arts activities, and QR codes that drive the visitor directly to the artist or public and private sites, visitors can also meet the artists who introduce their art in vodcasts, and witness the artistic process. Visitors can even participate in the creative process through digital arts activities. The concepts and technologies used in Latino cARTographies can be adapted to any city seeking to preserve and digitize the artistic, cultural and historic contributions and experiences of their communities. This dynamic Artscape represents a permanent yet dynamic platform that addresses the historic inequities of Houston’s underserved Latino populations and provides an alternative to the traditional ways in which people can access art and experience culture.
Pamela Anne QuirozDirector, Center for Mexican American and Latino Studies and CLASS Distinguished Professor of Sociology, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, University of Houston, United States Juana Guzman
Advisor/Consultant, Center for Mexican American and Latino/a Studies, University of Houston, Texas, United States Marisela Martinez
Associate Director, Center for Mexican American & Latino/a Studies, University of Houston, Texas, United States
Presentation Type
Visual Digital Archive, Public Knowledge Tool, User-Centered, Interactive, Underrepresented Communities