Assessment for Learning MOOC’s Updates

Intelligence Tests: The First Modern Assessments (Admin Update 1)

Media embedded March 24, 2018
Media embedded March 24, 2018
Media embedded March 24, 2018
Media embedded March 24, 2018

Intelligence versus knowledge testing - what are the differences in assessment paradigm? A good place to begin to explore this distinction is the history of intelligence testing - the first modern form of testing:

And if you would lile to read deeper into a contemporary version of this debate, contrast Gottfredson and Phelps with Shenk in the attached extracts.

Shenk, The Genius in All of Us
Gottlebson and Phelps, Correcting Fallacies

Comment: What are the differences between testing intelligence and testing for knowledge? When might each approach be appropriate or innappropriate?

Make an Upate: Find an example of an intelligence test, and explain how it works. Analyze its strengths and weaknesses as a form of assessment.

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