Assessment for Learning MOOC’s Updates

Standards-Based and Alternative Practices of Assessment (Admin Update 3)

Media embedded March 27, 2018


Media embedded March 24, 2018

Standards-based assessment allows the possibility that everyone in a certain level of education or in the same class can succeed. For the underlying principles, see:

Criterion referenced, norm-referenced and self-referenced assessments have fundamentally different logics and social purposes. In the following image from Chapter 10 of our New Learning book, we attempt to characterize the different logics. But what are the different social assumptions?

Comment: What are the social assumptions of each kind of assessment? What are the consequences for learners? For better and/or for worse, in each case?

Make an Update: Find an example of an alternative form of assessment. Describe and analyze it.

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  • Bulan Putri Achmadsyah Bulanachmadsyah
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  • Cindy Deguito
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