Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies MOOC’s Updates

Responsible Technology

This invitation to critical reflection on gender issues in technology, lead me to question how much designers and creators of educational platforms and games, are interested and observing the impacts of these technologies from user interactions.
As Dr Cris Mayo said, we must be responsible for what we create and for the impact that this creation will have on the lives of those who interact with it. Technologies that involve interaction, create and strengthen, intentionally or not, behaviors, cultures and also relationships.
I believe that, as designers and learning instructors, we need always to be attentive to our creations and what kind of interaction this product will generate. Also, as tobserved here, what do we need to make clear to users and participants during the experience? What premises should be followed and what behaviors are expected, so that the interaction takes place in the most equitable, fair and healthy way?

  • Yashaswini Ks
  • Yashaswini Ks