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E-learning and Merlin learning platform

E-learning is a type of education in which each user who has access to a computer and the Internet can access an e-learning system. Today, most teachers, professors and students uses some form e-learning for learning in schools. 

E-learning platforms have a significant purpose, and their role is easier
improvement of knowledge. They enable students as well as teachers and professors simpler and faster work and better cooperation for the benefit of mutual progress. Students they follow their schedules and notifications more easily, and the most important of all is the fact that they all teaching materials are in one place. The most famous platforms used in school and higher education for electronic learning are Merlin, Loomen te Moodle. These are the platforms used in Croatia.

Merlin,e-learning platform

Merlin represents an electronic learning system that was created for the purpose of conducting university study courses with the application of information and communication technology. It is based on the Moodle open source system that has been refined and adapted to users. . It is connected to the information system of higher education institutions - ISVU. This enables administrators to open new courses and enroll teachers and students. Students from the higher education institution must receive an electronic identity in order to be able to access certain content. Registration via user identity is done from the AAI@EduHr system. There are administrators who open new courses and administer data about teachers and students. Guests are those users who are not logged into the system and do not have a username and password. They can view only those courses that are not locked and have access for viewing. On Merlin, there are a large number of courses, knowledge tests and user assessments, as well as supporting learning materials that improve the user's knowledge and help him with independent learning. as much as it needs to, which differentiates it from other e-learning platforms. In addition to the e-learning system, Merlin has also developed a system for webinars and an e-portfolio system for presenting acquired experiences. It contains works in digital form where students list their CV, i.e. their achievements from life, studies or work.

Reference: https://repozitorij.unizg.hr/islandora/object/kif%3A1698/datastream/PDF/view

  • Yashaswini Ks
  • Yashaswini Ks
  • Yashaswini Ks