e-Learning Ecologies Case Studies’s Updates
Join us here for the Scholar version of e-Learning Ecologies MOOC, Edition 2. Become a member of this public Scholar Community.
Join us here for the Scholar version of e-Learning Ecologies MOOC, Edition 2. Become a member of this public Scholar Community.
Aleksei Tseitlin joined the community.
Amanda Du Plessis joined the community.
Teresa Crowther Miss T joined the community.
Sanaa El Mrini joined the community.
Rebecca Padilla joined the community.
Natalia Noga joined the community.
Tamsyn Gilbert joined the community.
Thanks to You, Dr. Cope! Its quite a unique place to have a consortum in! Will we be content of our learning situation taking place here, I wonder. So far it has a very most likeable atmosphere. I have just one inquiry, will we get to edit any of the work? so far the effort of enough words are my entanglement!
@Jan Jensen CG Scholar doesn't work on tablets or phones yet, it is something that will happen soon.
Professors, thanks a lot for offering the course. Looking forward to learning about the e-Learning Ecologies. Having worked with children inside classrooms, I am all excited to look at how the magical phenomenon of teaching-learning can be extended to a bigger scale with the intervention of technology. Anticipating a great time being a part of this course, and the community :)
I am looking forward in learning and applying the knowledge that this course has to offer.
I am looking forward to learn technology from around the globe
I want to find better ways of helping people learn. I've been an eLearning pro for 15 years, but I have always struggled with moving away from the approach where technology simply mirrors the old didactic methods. I want to innovate and need some pointers.
The first two videos are part of playlist of 30 videos (4 hours worth) at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV_zfgB7n1yQi5HvDBkEoATrj8EDTt8TF
If Scholar does not support [markdown](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown), perhaps discussions about course content could take place directly on the content pages using http://hypothes.is/
I'm interested in finding out how fast things have changed in comparison to the first edition of the course.
Hi All,
I took one course on Cousera, and loved it!.
Now I want to learn how to teach better, and use it on my project within the endangered youth here in Brazil. Getting Danish government industry support to train Brazilian (or anyone) within boatbuilding and nautical tourism operation.
I find Scholar very interesting, but couldn't make it work on my Android phone (easily) Any help?
Really looking forward to this course - it my first time in a MOOC and I had never heard of Scholar, so I'm excited and ready to learn.