e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates
collaborative intelligence
Collaborative intelligence encourages creating dynamic opportunities for learning communities to collaboratively create, refine, and share knowledge that models authentic learning experiences to prepare learners for educational growth and lifelong learning. In this model, intelligence is distributed amongst individuals and environments, and this is accomplished through social interactions rather than at the individual memorization of content. From this perspective, intelligence emerges through collaborative activities and by connections and interactions Collaborative intelligence involves promoting “a culture of knowledge sourcing and developing skills and strategies for knowledge collaboration and social learning”. The central idea behind collaborative intelligence is that knowledge and understanding are deeply rooted and enhanced by social interactions and that it relies on a network of connections.
Principles of collaborative intelligence
1. Teamwork leads to greater results than individual efforts.
For example: Peer-to-peer learning platforms with AI support, where students work together on projects with the aid of AI tools, are a particular example of collaborative intelligence in e-learning. Peergrade and Perusall are two platforms that allow students to annotate literature collaboratively, give feedback to their peers, and improve their comprehension through facilitated discussions.
Collaborative intelligence, or CQ, measures our ability to think and work effectively with others toward shared goals and collective priorities. As the dynamics of how we think, interact, and innovate continue to evolve, CQ is emerging as a critical professional asset.