FA16 Immunization Module’s Updates
Class Update: Revisions
Now that you have recieved your Peer Review Feedback you are ready to do your revisions. Take the advice that your peers gave you and incorporate it into your work
I'd also like to point out a couple things that I noticed a lot of people missed
6Samaa Haniya
Noah Huh
Landon J. Kunzelman
Nassim Mafi
Jonathan Knisley
- ...and 1 more Scholars
Class Presentations - Wed Oct 19th at 9am
Dear M1 Class:
I have been very impressed with the case presentations that have been created in Scholar as part of the Immunization Module. For our class this week I would like to have some of you present your cases. I am especially interested in c...More
Class Update: Peer Reviews
Hey Everyone,
I hope that Peer Reviews are going well. At this point, all but a handful of people have submitted their Drafts and we have moved on to the Peer Review phase of the project
In the Notifications Tab above, you should have recieved re...More
9Noah Huh
Landon J. Kunzelman
James Dotimas
Aubrey Graham
Nassim Mafi
- ...and 4 more Scholars
Hey Everyone,
A few announcements. First of all, thank you to everyone who has reviewed the Research Information related to this class. We need everyone to follow the link to review the information - but there is no obligation to participate. Check...More
19James Dotimas
Erin Hinckley
Marissa Davis
Nassim Mafi
Michael Pajor
- ...and 14 more Scholars
Relative Safety of Vaccines
Just recently a friend of mine refused to vaccinate his second child as he was utterly convinced that his first child acquired autism due to the vaccinations the child was administerd as an infant. As his friend who happens to be a medical student,...More
Peer Reviewed Case Study
You are now going to write a peer reviewed vaccination and immunization case study, review others' case studies, revise your case study for publication and sharing with other members of the group, and write a self-review of the way in which your wor...More
47Noah Huh
James Dotimas
Matthew Schaeffer
Nassim Mafi
Colin Stone
- ...and 15 more Scholars
Update 2: Talking to Parents About Vaccines
For this update you will review the document CDC "Talking to Parents About Vaccines."
Comment:The question of vaccination is frequently the subject of contentious public discussion. For some paren...More
27Elle Meisner
Noah Huh
Landon J. Kunzelman
Michael Pajor
Colin Stone
- ...and 15 more Scholars
Vaccine Contraindications
Vaccine Contraindications
Contraindications for giving a vaccine can be divided into two categories; permanent and temporary
Permanent contraindications are those that cannot be avoided by waiting for a better opportunity to vaccinate. These incl...More
Adverse Reactions to Vaccines
Vaccine reactions, or "vaccine side effects," can be classified as local, systemic, or allergic, generally increasing in severity respectively
Examples of local reactions include pain, swelling, or redness at the site of the reaction. These most c...More
Timing of Vaccinations & Adverse Reactions: DTaP vs. Tdap
Multiple formulations of combination vaccines exist for tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis. The Td vaccine immunizes against the tetanus and diphtheria toxoids, while DTaP and Tdap also include protection against pertussis. Despite the upfront simil...More