Literacy Teaching and Learning MOOC’s Updates

Section 2b: Literacies for Citizenship

Media embedded February 5, 2016

In the era of strong nation states and nationalist ideologies, literacy played a role in creating an homogeneous citizenry. When it came to learner differences (culture, language, dialect, and the like), the agenda of traditional literacy was assimilation. However, in the era of globalisation and multiculturalism and multlingualism in local communities, to be a good citizen means negotiating cultural and communicative differences.

To explore these themes further, read the texts in the 'Literacies for Citizenship' section of our supporting materials website.

Comment: How have the dimensions of citizenship been changing in the era of globalization and local diversity?

  • Serly Agustina Hendarman
  • Alfiana Syipa Permata Alfiana
  • Shraddha Goyal
  • Abolaji Azeez
  • Jan Kenneth Arteta
  • Tamika Ault
  • Viola Banaj
  • Viola Banaj
  • Maria Elmira Daguio