Literacy Teaching and Learning MOOC’s Updates

Section 2c: Literacies for Contemporary Community Life

Media embedded February 5, 2016

The nature of the literacies used in everyday community life has also changed dramatically since the classical literacy teaching of the nineteeth and twentieth century school. For one thing, whereas we were mostly consumers of texts and media (readers of newspapers, viewers of television, liteners to radio), we have now become in equal measure writers (on social media for instance), image makers (the images and media we upload online, for our friends or everyone), and curators or makers of audio (in online playlists or podcasts). We call this a 'change in the balance of agency'.

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To explore these themes further, read the texts in the 'Literacies for Contemporary Community Life' section of our supporting materials website.

Comment: What are the implications of new media for literacies learning? How do we need to change or adapt our practices?

Make an Update: Choose an example of a new social practice—in the workplace, as a citizen, or as a person using new media in their everyday life. Describe the new practice, analysing its communicative features. What are its implications for literacies pedagogy? Read and comment on others' updates as they come through into your activity stream.

  • Serly Agustina Hendarman
  • Alfiana Syipa Permata Alfiana
  • Shraddha Goyal
  • Aulia Khoirunnisa Karim
  • Elizabeth Klein
  • Aulia Khoirunnisa Karim
  • Shraddha Goyal
  • Elizabeth Klein
  • Elizabeth Klein
  • Elizabeth Klein
  • Shraddha Goyal
  • Michelle Dec
  • Mharijoe Fesico
  • Aulia Khoirunnisa Karim
  • Shraddha Goyal
  • Mharijoe Fesico