Literacy Teaching and Learning MOOC’s Updates

Section 6: Functional Literacy Pedagogy

Media embedded February 5, 2016
Media embedded February 5, 2016
Media embedded February 5, 2016

Functional approaches to literacy focus on students learning to read and compose the kinds of texts that enable them to succeed at school and to participate in society. Their aim is for learners to understand the reasons why texts exist and how this affects the shape of texts. Unlike didactic approaches to literacy, which break language into its parts in order to learn formal rules, functional approaches start with the question, ‘What is the purpose of this whole text?’ and then move on to the next question, ‘How is the whole text structured to meet these purposes?’

For information about functional literacy pedagogy, and examples, visit Section 6 at

Comment: What are the strengths and weaknesses of functional literacy pedagogy?

Make an Update: Find an example of functional literacies pedagogy in practice. Provide a brief outline of the example you have found, and analyze its strengths and weaknesses.

  • Alfiana Syipa Permata Alfiana
  • Serly Agustina Hendarman
  • Shraddha Goyal
  • April Ann Pesino
  • Monika Samaroo Latchman
  • Shaira Marie Del Rosario
  • Shraddha Goyal
  • Evelyse Eerola
  • Amanda Mize
  • David Carlisle
  • Shraddha Goyal
  • Alberto Emmanuel Conti Morales
  • Altynay Zh
  • Shraddha Goyal
  • Alberto Emmanuel Conti Morales