Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

Podcasts as a Multimodal Learning Tool

Podcasts as a Multimodal Learning Tool

Integrating audio elements into reading and writing lessons can make learning more engaging and effective. One way to do this is by using podcasts in the classroom. Podcasts combine listening with reading and writing activities, helping students improve their skills in a fun and interactive way.

Podcasts allow students to learn by listening, which adds to traditional reading and writing methods. Teachers can include podcasts in their lessons to help students practice listening while also working on reading and writing. For example, students might listen to a podcast on a certain topic and then write about it or discuss it in class. This approach offers different ways to learn, making lessons more interesting and suitable for various learning styles.

Key Parts of Multimodal Learning

Using podcasts in teaching fits well with the main ideas of multimodal learning, which include:

Real-Life Practice: Students listen to real-world content, connecting what they hear to their own experiences, making learning more meaningful.
Direct Teaching: Teachers explain how both spoken and written communication work, showing students how to use techniques from podcasts in their own writing.
Critical Thinking: Students think about the purpose and message of podcasts, considering who created them and why, which helps them understand and evaluate information better.
Applying Knowledge: Students use what they've learned by creating their own podcasts or writing pieces inspired by what they've heard, allowing them to express their understanding in different ways.

Traditional teaching often separates reading and writing from listening. Incorporating podcasts brings these skills together, reflecting how we communicate in today's world. Engaging with both audio and text helps students develop a well-rounded set of skills they can use in various situations.

Personal Experience with TED Talks

Figure 1. Ted Talks

During my time as a visiting scholar in the U.S., I participated in an assignment where I had to create a presentation in the style of a TED Talk. This task was both exciting and challenging, as I aimed to make my talk engaging and informative. This experience showed me the value of combining speaking and writing skills. Inspired by this, I plan to use podcasts in my own teaching back home. I believe that incorporating audio elements can capture students' attention and make learning more dynamic.


Using podcasts in education connects listening with reading and writing, enriching the learning experience. This method aligns with modern communication practices and helps students build diverse skills needed for success in today's media-rich world.