Activity Stream
Daniela Gomes De Araújo Nóbrega has one new peer:
Dr.Jean Beunardeau
Added on August 19, 2021
Daniela Gomes De Araújo Nóbrega three new peers:
Jako Olivier
Jonathan deHaan
Ysmael Guerrero II
Added on February 02, 2021
Daniela Gomes De Araújo Nóbrega posted a new update…
Update 6 - Using Fanfics in EFL collaborative writing
The multimodal digital textual genre Fanfictionis inserted in the concept of community, as it fits in all its characteristics. It is inserted in online platforms that have several members and that create personal relationships, that help each other...More
Daniela Gomes De AraújoNóbrega starred an update by Daniela Gomes De AraújoNóbrega…
Update 4: Comic Strips in EFL Reading class: a multimodal pedagogy for beginners
Starred at April 17, 2020
Daniela Gomes De Araújo Nóbrega posted a new update…
Update 4: Comic Strips in EFL Reading class: a multimodal pedagogy for beginners
Focus: How EFL Brazilian teachers can explore reading strategies in EFL classroom using Comic strips with beginners
Comic Strips: This textual genre has been studied from a larger textual genre, or its hyper genre: Comic Books (or simply named, com...More
Daniela Gomes De Araújo Nóbrega joined three communities:
New Learning
Annotated Bibliographies from LDL Courses by Doctoral Students
e-Learning Ecologies Case Studies
Added on March 31, 2020
Daniela Gomes De Araújo Nóbrega posted a new update…
Multimodality and Multiliteracies studies
I'm interested in Multimodality and Multiliteracies studies mainly related to foreign clanguage classroom contexts. Currently, I'm a coordinator of a Study Group at the State University of Paraiba (UPEB), in Campina Grande, Paraiba, whose title is "...More
Awesome video!! Thanks for sharing!