Student discussions are an integral part of learning. Classroom discussions let students engage with each other and exchange viewpoints on important topics. The institute that I work for provides language training to students. The length of the programs ranges from approximately four months to 15 months depending on the difficulty level of the language. Discussions in the target language are regularly employed by teachers in classrooms both for practice as well as for peer-to-peer interactions.
The constant advances in technology continue to present opportunities for new ways of learning. Learning management systems (LMSs) now allow colleges and universities to cater to students located across the globe with greater ease. Features such as analytics provide students access to various forms of feedback related to their own learning. With the online discussion forums that are part of learning systems as well as social media platforms, teachers now possess additional tools to make learning more engaging for their students.
We hope that offering this training module to teachers on the various online discussion forums will enhance their knowledge in this area and further assist them in improving the quality of learning offered to their students.
This learning module is designed to increase the awareness of teachers working in the institute regarding online discussion forums. In addition to covering some of their benefits, teachers will also be introduced to the various forums available on learning management systems such as Moodle, Canvas and Microsoft (MS) Teams. Furthermore, teachers will also learn about how discussion forums available on social media sites such as Facebook and Reddit can be utilized for student learning.
During COVID-19 all instruction in our organization took place in an online format using a learning management system. This was a huge departure from routine face-to-face classroom settings. Even though our students have returned to face-to-face teaching, there are often times when our students have to take up to 35 hours of classes per week in an online format. Teachers are constantly working towards ensuring that student participation remains high in an online learning environment. Online discussion forums are a mechanism that can assist teachers in ensuring that students participate and interact with each other, even while located in faraway physical locations (Da Silva, Barbosa & Gomes, 2019).
After covering course materials including videos, participants will take part in various activities. They will post an update at the end of each training session on the question prompt provided. Additionally, they will also be asked to comment on a minimum of three peer updates posted during the week.
This module will train participants in the use of various online discussion forums. The participants are classroom teachers belonging to the Defense Language Institute located in Monterey, California. The teachers are native speakers of one of the over twenty-five languages being taught at the institute. Although these faculty members may be familiar with some of the discussion forums that they will be introduced to, it is assumed that they have never received any formal training workshops related to their use.
By the end of the training module, participants are expected to learn about the topics below:
1) The use of online discussion forums.
2) The strengths and benefits of using online discussion topics for student development.
3) Online discussion boards offered through learning management systems including Moodle, Canvas and Microsoft (MS) Teams.
4) Online discussion boards on social media sites including Facebook and Reddit.
This course will be offered to all faculty members working at the institute. There will be a total of seven weekly sessions offered for the module. The sessions will be offered on Tuesdays with updates and comments due by the following Mondays. All course materials will be accessible through faculty laptops, provided by the institute.
Kindly be prepared to answer participant questions related to the various topics included in this learning module. Please encourage all participants to engage in active discussion. Kindly check the participant's work area to ensure that they are fulfilling the various requirements of this training module. These requirements include posting weekly updates as well as commenting on at least three peer updates per week.
By the end of the training module, participants are expected to learn about the topics below:
1) The use of online discussion forums.
2) The strengths and benefits of using online discussion topics for student development.
3) Online discussion boards offered through learning management systems including Moodle, Canvas and Microsoft (MS) Teams.
4) Online discussion boards on social media sites including Facebook and Reddit.
This course will be offered to all faculty members working at the institute. There will be a total of seven weekly sessions offered for the module. The sessions will be offered on Tuesdays with updates and comments due by the following Mondays. All course materials will be accessible through faculty laptops, provided by the institute.
Before you look at the slides and the video, can you tell us what you know about online discussion forums/boards? How are they different to discussions taking place in a physical classroom? Which forums have you used? Have you used any forums for your students?
Online discussion forums are communication tools that are widely used in learning management systems (Lima, Gerosa, Conte & Netto, 2019). Online forums provide a virtual environment for student discussions and debates and so play an important role in distance education (Deevin, 2012). Unlike discussions in a physical classroom, participation in online discussion forums typically occurs in an asynchronous manner.
Many popular social media sites such as Facebook also provide opportunities for participating in online discussions.
Discussion boards can be a fun way for students to take part in learning as they take part in activities such as providing peer-to-peer feedback. Within an online classroom format, discussion boards can create a sense of community amongst students. Unlike face-to-face teaching where students see each other on a regular basis, online learning can lead to learners feeling isolated. As such, discussion forums can reduce the feeling of isolation and lead to a more engaging student experience (Caitlin, 2020).
The video below explains the facilitation of discussions using online forums.
(Technology Enhanced Learning MTU, 2016)
The video below gives us an insight into an online discussion board.
(Blackboard Inc., 2018)
The video below highlights some of the benefits of using online discussion boards for your students.
(Clinton-Lisell, 2018)
1. Create an update: Describe how you think online discussion boards can be used to enhance learning for your students.
2. Comment on at least three updates posted by students this week.
In this section, participants are initially introduced to online discussion forums. This section then provides an insight into some of the benefits of using online discussion boards for students.
Please start this section by engaging participants by asking short questions related to online discussion boards. The questions include asking them about any forums that they may have used for their students as well as for other purposes such as their own learning. You can also ask them to how asynchronous discussions online may differ from synchronous discussions happening in a traditional classroom. These questions can be asked in a schematic manner to engage them in discussion as well as act as an ice breaker to make them feel more comfortable in the training workshop session. While providing feedback, please explain to participants that discussion forums are also commonly referred to as discussion boards, online discussion groups and online discussion board forums.
After watching the videos, you can engage participants in a short discussion where you can ask them questions on what they think are some of the benefits of using an online discussion forum.
Some of the benefits of using online discussion forums include the following:
1) As comments are more permanent than oral conversations in the classroom, there is a likelihood of increased student critical thinking regarding the posted responses.
2) Students who are increasingly introverted or shy in face-to-face settings may feel more comfortable in responding online.
3) Due to students having extra time to respond they may come up with more innovative “out of the box” ideas and responses.
4) In larger size face to face classrooms, due to time limitations, it may be harder for most students to participate in classroom discussions. Online discussion boards on the other hand provide opportunities for equal participation for all students.
In an effective discussion, the group is able to accomplish its purpose and establish a basis for continued discussion and collaboration on the topic area (The University of Kansas, 2014). In an engaged discussion thread, students are provided with an opportunity to express their ideas freely, with a variety of viewpoints put forward and discussed. The teacher plays a vital role and setting up a thread early on in the class such as the first week will provide enough time for students to get used to writing/editing on the platform being used (Cross, n.d.). Use question prompts that promote dialogue and debate amongst students. Encouraging the use of multimedia including videos and images as well as allowing students to create their own updates or threads can also lead to increased involvement and interest.
The video below provides strategies for teachers in the area of planning and facilitating effective student online discussions.
(University of Minnesota, 2016)
In the video below, Jennifer Miles from the Faculty of Education at Monash University discusses how to use discussion boards effectively.
(Miles, 2018)
The video below provides tips related to creating quality student posts and replies and for deepening the conversations within an online discussion forum. The strategies in the video can be shared with your students, with the goal of increasing their engagement within forums.
(Hageman, 2016)
The video below provides tips for student involvement in online discussion forums. These tips can be shared with your students, through an update or comment section.
(Rotschild, 2014)
Activity: Class discussion related to some strategies that you would use to ensure that your students remain engaged in online discussion boards?
1. Create an update: Describe five key points that stood out for you in the videos this week. Do you feel more confident in developing engaging discussion forums for your students? If so, explain.
2. Comment on at least three updates posted by students this week.
In the beginning, students are provided with some details related to the features of an engaged discussion thread or forum. You can ask them short questions on what they think are some of the ingredients of an engaging discussion forum. They will then watch a video related to providing teachers strategies for planning and facilitating effective student online discussions. At the end of each video ask students about key points from the videos. They will also watch videos related to increased student engagement within forums.
At the end of all the videos conduct a class discussion with the prompt question “what strategies would you use to ensure that your students remain engaged in online discussions”.
You can also provide feedback using some of the notes below (Caitlin, 2020):
1) Participate in the discussion board yourself when you can. A good start would be to write an initial post introducing yourself, that could act as an icebreaker.
2) Encourage your students to use videos, and images as this adds a fun element to the forum, making the content more interesting.
3) Read as many posts as possible to get a sense of the kind of conversations that are taking place between students.
4) Use discussion question prompts that can lead to creative student thinking.
Please check the student updates and comments section and provide the necessary feedback, as needed.
Moodle is one of the most popular learning management systems these days (Simanullang & Rajagukguk, 2020). Some of the features of Moodle which support online learning include discussion forums, chats, and quizzes. The discussion forum within Moodle allows students and faculty to exchange ideas and respond to one another through “threads”. The teacher can respond to and grade forum posts as well as allow students to rate each other’s updates and posts. In addition to texts, students can also respond through images, videos, and sounds.
The video below provides information relating to setting up a forum within Moodle.
(Moodle, 2022)
The video below shows how to create videos on the Moodle discussion forum.
(Hinman, 2021)
The video below discusses how to post on a Moodle discussion thread.
(Michigan School of Psychology, 2021)
The video below provides an insight into grading discussions on Moodle.
(Walther, 2019)
Class activity: Participants will spend 25 minutes navigating the Moodle forum and post a comment within Moodle on a discussion thread created by the instructor.
1. Create an update: Have you used Moodle? If yes, explain how you used it as well as its impact on student learning. If you have not used Moodle, please explain how you can utilize this tool for student learning in your classes.
2. Comment on at least three updates posted by students this week.
Participants will be introduced to the discussion forum on Moodle and will watch videos related to it. Kindly be prepared to answer any questions that they might have. Please create a discussion thread on Moodle for the students to post comments on. After watching the videos, students will spend approximately 25 minutes navigating the Moodle discussion forum and posting a comment on the class forum thread. If time allows, let students create discussion threads. Kindly check their progress and provide any assistance that is needed.
The information below can be shared with participants, as needed.
The video below provides additional details related to the Moodle discussion forum. You can play certain parts of it, depending on the needs of the participants. The 0.45- 1:10 covers creating a learning activity, 1: 27 to 2:00 is about posting, and the time between 2:04 to 3:06 relates to uploading attachments.
(Hayden, 2020)
Please check the student updates and comments section and provide the necessary feedback, as needed.
Microsoft (MS) teams is a collaboration tool that can be used for group chat, channelled conversations, instant messaging, live audio/video calls and meetings. In addition to being used on Mac and Windows computers, MS Teams mobile apps are available for use on a variety of platforms including iOS, Windows and Android (Ohio University, n.d.).
The video below provides a brief look into setting up a discussion channel within MS Teams.
(Keeler, 2020)
The video below describes in detail how to use MS Teams for discussions as well as ways to manage the channel.
(DNS ICT, 2020)
For Windows and Mac, MS Teams can be downloaded at
Class activity: Participants will spend 25 minutes navigating MS Teams and setting up a discussion channel with a prompt question.
1. Create an update: Describe your experience of using the discussion board on MS Teams. How can it be utilised for student learning in your classrooms?
2. Comment on at least three updates posted by students this week.
Initially, students will be introduced to the discussion board within Microsoft (MS) Teams and they will watch the videos related to it. They will then spend approximately 25 minutes navigating around the platform and creating a discussion channel with a prompt question. Kindly be prepared to offer assistance as needed.
The video below provides a more in-depth look into setting up discussion/debate rooms within MS Teams. You can use it for further explanation if needed.
(Learning and Technology with Frank, 2020)
Please check the student updates and comments section and provide the necessary feedback, as needed.
Although Facebook is a social networking site, there are various ways in which it can be utilized for student learning (Sackey, 2015). According to Statistica (2021), there are an estimated 2.85 billion users of the platform worldwide. Facebook can be utilized for setting up class discussions. One of the main benefits of Facebook may be the increased familiarity level of students with the platform, due to its popular usage.
The figure below shows Facebook being utilized for discussions in a classroom.
The figure below shows student comments and reactions to the article.
In the video below, Professor Phillip Penix-Tadsen from the University of Delaware discusses some of the benefits of Facebook, when it comes to student conversations.
(Penix-Tadsen, 2012)
The video below explains how to create a Facebook group for classes.
(Gargas, 2018)
Class activity: Participants will spend approx. 25 minutes practising setting up a class group on Facebook as well as posting a discussion prompt question. If time permits, they will practise the different editing tools such as adding videos, images etc.
1. Create an update: In your opinion how are social networking sites such as Facebook different from a traditional LMS such as Moodle when it comes to setting up discussions for students? Would you use both? Please explain.
2. Comment on at least three updates posted by students this week.
Participants will be introduced to the ways in which Facebook can be used for setting up discussions for students. After looking at some figures and watching the video, they will spend approx. 25 minutes setting up a class group and a discussion question on Facebook. If time, permits, they will try the various related tools provided within the platform such as editing videos, images etc. Please assist them as needed.
The video below (12:00- 13: 30) shows how Facebook can be used in the classroom for discussions. You can play this part in the classroom for further reinforcement. The remaining parts of the video relate to using Facebook for learning and you can play select parts, as needed.
(Koubaa, 2020)
Please check the student updates and comments section and provide the necessary feedback, as needed.
In the video below (0.42- 10:10) the author discusses the structure and types of an online discussion forum. Other areas covered include user behaviour and interactivity within online forums. The second part of the audio (12:20- 14:00) is focused on ways to facilitate online discussion forums.
(Rajaratnam, 2013)
The following are some strengths of using an online discussion forum (Ragupathi, 2018):
a) Promotes peer learning as students view and respond to each other/
b) Encourages in-depth and out-of-the-box thinking, due to its asynchronous nature.
c) Builds a sense of community amongst students.
d) Reduces the feeling of isolation that may exist amongst students enrolled in online/distance learning.
e) Helps develop critical thinking skills amongst learners.
1. Create an update: Write a reflection paper (min. 1200 words) about how you can use the knowledge gained through this training to effectively facilitate online discussion forums for your students, including covering the areas below:
a) Increased student participation
b) Peer feedback
c) Areas of language learning (including assessments) where you could utilize online discussions for your students.
The following rubric will be used by peers to grade your work as well as for self-review.
2. Comment on at least three updates posted by students this week.
3. Kindly fill out the survey below and submit it in the section highlighted by the instructor.
The participants of the training workshop will watch a depth video titled “assessing online discussion forums”. The video provides a final snapshot of some of the areas covered during the workshop including the structure and interactivity within an online forum as well as ways to facilitate a discussion board. They will also be provided with a summary (bullet points) of some of the strengths of using an online discussion forum.
The participants will then write a reflection paper. The rubric that is provided to them will be used to grade their peers as well as for self-review. Please be prepared to answer any questions that they might have related to the paper. They will then answer questions on the survey provided to them in the appropriate section. The results of the survey may be used to design or make changes to future workshops on the topic.
Blackboard Inc. (2018, Nov 16). Create Discussion Board Forums in the Original Course View [Video]. YouTube.
Bryant, M.S. (2016). Discussion Boards. What are we talking about? Retrieved from
Caitlin. (2020). How to create engaging discussion forums. Retrieved from
Clinton-Lisell, V. (2018, August 15). Benefits of online discussions [Video]. YouTube.
Cope, B. (2015). Hands Up! ... and Beyond: The New Classroom Discourse. Retrieved from
Da Silva, L. F. C., Barbosa, M. W., & Gomes, R. R. (2019). Measuring participation in distance education online discussion forums using social network analysis. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 70(2), 140-150.
de Lima, D. P., Gerosa, M. A., Conte, T. U., & de M Netto, J. F. (2019). What to expect, and how to improve online discussion forums: the instructors’ perspective. Journal of Internet Services and Applications, 10(1), 1-15.
Deevin. (2012). Critical thinking in online discussion forums. Retrieved from
DNS ICT. (2020, March 16). 4) Manage discussion boards and Posts in Teams [Video]. YouTube.
Hageman, K. (2016, March 28). Online Discussion Forum Lesson [Video]. YouTube.
Hinman, E. (2021, August 17). Making Videos in Moodle Discussion Forums [Video]. YouTube.
Keeler, E. (2020, March 30). Discussion Boards in Microsoft Teams [Video]. YouTube.
Koubaa, R. (2020, July 20). Using Facebook as an Educational Tool Used by Teachers and Students. [Video]. YouTube.
Learning and Technology with Frank. (2020, August 24). Microsoft Teams - Making Discussions WAY better [Video]. YouTube.
Miles, J. [Library Youtube Research and Learning Channel]. (2018, January 16). How to use online discussion boards effectively [Video]. YouTube.
Moodle. (2020). Forum activity. Retrieved from
Moodle. (2022, Oct 04). Learn the basics of teaching with Moodle on [Video]. YouTube.
Northover, M. (2002). Online discussion boards - friend or foe? ASCILITE.
Ohio University. (n.d.). Microsoft Teams. Retrieved from
Online Discussion Tips Infographic (n.d.). Retrieved from
Penix-Tadsen, P. (2012, September 11). Using Facebook Groups for College Courses [Video]. YouTube.
Ragupathi, K. (2018). Asynchronous vs Synchronous Modes of Discussion. Retrieved from
Rajaratnam, V. [Hand Surgery International]. (2013, August 04). Assessing online discussion forums in digital learning [Video]. YouTube.
ReadWriteThink. (2006). Retrieved from
Rothschild, L. (2014, August 20). Discussion Forums: Tips for Success [Video]. YouTube.
Sackey, Donnie & Nguyen, Minh-Tam & Grabill, Jeffery. (2015). Constructing learning spaces: What we can learn from studies of informal learning online. Computers and Composition. 35. 10.1016/j.compcom.2015.01.004.
Sharp, E. (2016). Value of Classroom Discussions. Retrieved from
Simanullang, N. H. S., & Rajagukguk, J. (2020, February). Learning Management System (LMS) based on Moodle to improve students learning activity. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1462, No. 1, p. 012067). IOP Publishing.
Statista (2021). Leading countries based on Facebook audience size as of July 2021.
Swann, J. (n.d.). How to Succeed in Discussion Forums. Retrieved from
Technology Enhanced Learning MTU. (2016, April 13). Facilitating online discussions using discussion boards [Video file]. Retrieved from
The cross academy. (n.d.). Making good use of online discussion boards. Retrieved from
The University of Kansas. (2014). Techniques For Leading Group Discussions. Retrieved from
University of Minnesota. (2016, March 23). Planning and Facilitating Online Discussions [Video]. YouTube.