Rita van Haren’s Communities
Win18_Phil302 Cyberethics
This is a community set up for students enrolled in Philosophy 302 at Sonoma State University for the winter session of 2018
Meaning Patterns
Join this community for regular posts of extracts from Kalantzis and Cope's "transpositional grammar" books, articles, and videos.
Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies MOOC
This course explores the future of learning in an environment of ubiquitous technology-mediated communication.
e-Learning Ecologies MOOC
An introduction to innovative approaches to learning and teaching, with a focus on the use of e-learning and social web technologies.
e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies
Welcome to the e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies Research Network!
The Learner
Welcome to The Learner Research Network!
The Arts in Society
Welcome to the Arts in Society Research Network!
New Learning
Transformational Designs for Pedagogy and Assessment
e-Learning Ecologies Case Studies
Exploring the affordances e-learning environments. How they might be powerfully innovative—even transformative—knowledge spaces.
Essa comunidade busca compartilhar pesquisas e discussões alinhadas com o escopo dos estudos sobre (novos/multi) letramentos.