Vinay Kumar Kumar Bhai’s Updates

Assignment week 3

Ans.0 - Overall sample size to estimate coverage at provincial level will now reduce to 10560 from earlier 105600 and total no of household need to be visited will also change to 62118 from earlier 621,177. Provincial level of estimation is looking more feasible and more inferential.

Ans - Additional requirment to classify provincial level survey sample will be -

Threshold, Delta, Direction & power of statistic to classify. 

Ans 2 – If we are classifying coverage at provincial level then required sample size will be –

Total Completed interviews = 4480 and

Total household to visit will be – 26353 which is further lower to estimation. With programmatic threshold 90% with 10% delta, 5% alpha and beta 10% with 90% power.

3. My recommendation will be to go with provincial level estimation which will yield more actionable and inferential data. No. of samples size and households are manageable for estimation. Going with classification will not

  • Elsa S Amin Elsa S Amin