Activity Stream
Laurel Poff posted an update in Win18_Phil302 Cyberethics …
Group Members:
Natalie Keys
Rachel Betram
Ashley Narciso
Cassandra Abad
Laurel Poff
We have seen awareness for sexual harassment in the workplace make great leaps in the past year. More women are coming out about how they’ve been cornered in...More
Ashey Narciso posted a new update…
Assignment #21 Digital Log - Ashley Narciso
What does your online behavior say about you? Do you let your realpersonality show, or are you pretending to be someone else online?
When it comes to my online behavior I am the same as I would be inperson; however, I am not one of those peopl...More
Laurel Poff posted an update in Win18_Phil302 Cyberethics …
Lesson 14: What does my online profile say about me?
ASSIGNMENT 21My online behavior shows me that I spend way too much time online. Ideally, I would like to spend about half as much time online as I do. I don’t post much online, but when I do I let my real personality show. I wouldn’t say that I h...More
Rachel Bertram posted a new update…
lesson 14 : What does my online profile say about me?
Since we started this class and I continued to learn more and more about the internet I was very surprised with what I started to notice when I was on the internet. I am not a technology blessed person, I am more of a technology challenged person. I...More
Rachel Bertram two new peers:
Cassandra Abad
Natalie Keys
Added on January 14, 2018
Ashey Narciso has one new peer:
Natalie Keys
Added on January 12, 2018
Laurel Poff has one new peer:
Natalie Keys
Added on January 12, 2018
Ashey Narciso commented on Lesson 3: Consequentialism and Deontology in Win18_Phil302 Cyberethics …
Assignment #6 An example of Deontological thinking that I have partaken in was a few weeks ago. My boyfriend and I went to Berkeley and had to park in a parking garage, while returning to the parking garage to pay our ticket we had noticed that...More
ASSIGNMENT 13 Having a code of ethics may not always be enough to prevent ethical abuse in the field of information technology for a few reasons. First of all, there may be some times when there is some sort of a conflict when the company’s ethics...More