Nineteenth Global Studies Conference

July 15 - 17, 2026

University of Galway
Galway, Ireland


Welcome to the micro-site for the Nineteenth Global Studies Conference

.Founded in 2011, Global Studies Research Network is devoted to mapping and interpreting past and emerging trends and patterns in globalization. We aim to traverse a broad terrain, sometimes technically and other times socially oriented, sometimes theoretical and other times practical in their perspective, and sometimes reflecting dispassionate analysis while at other times suggesting interested strategies for action. Our aim is to build an epistemic community where we can make linkages across disciplinary, geographic, and cultural boundaries.

The Nineteenth Global Studies Conference calls for research addressing the following annual themes and special focus:

  • 2026 Special Focus—Bridging Boundaries: Collaborative Solutions to Complex Global Issues 
  • Theme 1: Networks of Economy and Trade
  • Theme 2: The Power of Institutions

  • Theme 3: Vectors of Society and Culture

  • Theme 4: Ecological Foundations


We are interested in the following lines of investigation:   


  • On the economic dimensions of globalization.

  • On the political dimensions of globalization.

  • On the socio-cultural dimensions of globalization.

  • On the eco-systemic dimensions of globalization.


Global Studies Research Network also supports a book imprint and a collection of journals.