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Mustapha Zubairu posted a new update…
global weather and climate change
how to cut down on global warming and climate change
Jeanet Oosterhuis posted a new update…
Update week 4: Differentiated instruction
The seventh affordance opened by new media is differentiated learning. Differentiated learning means, as defined in the course, that individuals and groups of learners can work at a pace that suits their needs and where data analyses allow that thes...More
Jeanet Oosterhuis commented on Update #7: Differentiated learning and technology in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
Nice examples. I like it you present different opinions, and the clear connection with the course at the end. I think Garner shows in his theory, students are so different, a different and varied approach is necessary.
Jeanet Oosterhuis commented on Peer Reviews for Recursive Feedback in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
That would help probably, although i do think it's hard to say something about motivation levels by adaptive technologies. And because the topics are so different, how is tracking knowledge helping? I think you need at least skills so you're able...More
Jeanet Oosterhuis commented on Personalised e-Learning through intelligent Personal Learning Environments in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
Thanks for all the examples. These examples give an idea how we can use this! In an update, a short description is appreciated!
Jeanet Oosterhuis posted a new update…
Update week 4 Concept mapping in digital ecologies
Definition of Concept Mapping
As stated at the website a concept map is a type of graphic organizer, used to help students organize and respresent knowledge of a subject. Concept maps be...More
Jeanet Oosterhuis commented on Active Knowledge Making in a Makerspace in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
Great update! Never heard of makerspace, interesting concept and a great way to motivate students!
Jeanet Oosterhuis commented on Communities of Practice in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
Nice transfer to the digital age! Building a community of practice is also a great way to improve schoolcultures, because of the principle you described (affirmitive reciprocity) And more and more they use this kind of communities to create a...More
Jeanet Oosterhuis posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
Update 5: Meaningful learning, collective intelligence and MOOC’s
Meaningful learning is an excellent way for creating collective intelligence. In this update I will explain why, give some examples and make a connection to a MOOC
What is meaningful learning?
To explain this, let’s start with a short youtube mov.....More
Jamie Banks has one new peer:
Jorge Ribeiro
Added on February 20, 2017
Jeanet Oosterhuis commented on TO TWEET OR NOT TO TWEET in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
Wow, the filter bubble is really scary. i did know this, but i didn't realize it even affected the way news is presented to me. That makes it even more necessary to help our students to access information from different sources and then to use...More
Jeanet Oosterhuis posted a new update…
Multimodal knowledge representations justifying different learning styles
Traditional, our schoolsystem is using text to explain topics. Although we use some images, most of the knowledge we present to our student is highly textual. Also, the students needs to represent their knowledge textual. Write a story, doing presen...More
Jeanet Oosterhuis posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
Update 3: How to use peer-review with highest benefits in MOOC
This update is meant as a start of a discussion how the benefit of peer-review can be increased in MOOC’s
A MOOC, as mentioned by Dr Cope in his video, makes the use of peer-review in many ways possible. One of the benefits of peer-review Dr Co...More
Why did you choose Knewton? What's special about Knewton? You describes some sentences they use, and these sentences fits the idea of personalized learning, but can you tell more about how it works? Seems to me nowadays there are a growing amount...More