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Nate Wahl has one new peer:
Tracy Fulce
Added on September 05, 2024
Nate Wahl commented on their update Update 4 Black Students in Contemporary Learning Environments ...
Nate Wahl posted a new update…
Update 4 Black Students in Contemporary Learning Environments
Reading Was Once Illigal-Kersey (2022); from
One third of our nation's third grade students are reading at grade level (Weaver, 2023). Prior to 2010 most students were reading using phonetic awareness...More
Nate Wahl commented on their update Update 2 How Can You Teach Me How To Learn If You Can Not See Past Your Own Whiteness...
@Jacquelyn Tasker, it is important for educators to acknowledge that everyone has biases. Everyone has social biases', they could be racial, religious, ethnic, cultural, generational, etc. Often teachers will spend their energy learning what their...More
Nate Wahl posted a new update…
Why Color Blindness Will Not End Racism -Ramsey (2016); from
From 2010 to contemporary books like How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi, White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo, So you want to di...More
Nate Wahl posted a new update…
Update 2 How Can You Teach Me How To Learn If You Can Not See Past Your Own Whiteness
*Starts at 4:03 Introduction to Critical Whiteness Studies (Boyd, 2015)
According to Boucher and Matias (2023), “whiteness and its impact on people of color can not be separated” (pg 3). Acknowledging that students' learning is directly influence...More
Nate Wahl posted a new update…
Update 1 Education Founded as Exclusionary Space
Jefferson,Tiffany . (2022, April, 27). The True History of Higher Education in America [Video]. YouTube.
In American society, there is a widespread belief that "knowledge equates to power". White-cis-AMA...More
Sari, Your comment about zero tolerance policies related to illiteracy reminds me of a story Dr. Gloria Ladson Billings told at a conference I attended yesterday. She told a story of a school that abolished remedial courses. The purpose for the...More