Activity Stream
Humberto Cunha has one new peer:
Erica Miranda
Added on August 10, 2020
Humberto Cunha posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
TEACHnology and the Learning Disabilities contexts
The effects of technology might be extremely democratic, affecting anyone's life who comes to make use of it. At least in a traditional classroom, as technology grows so are the struggles educators deal with to avoid students' distraction. But the p...More
Humberto Cunha posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
Fostering Metacognition by means of self-questioning exercise
The development of critical thinking represents one of the most desirable skills for 21st-century citizens. Dealing with real-world problems requires the ability to break an issue into small pieces for tracking an easier-to-apply solution. In the te...More
Humberto Cunha posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
An Overview of Collaborative Intelligence: from examples to animals-based behaviors
The concept of collaborative intelligence (CI) performs a crucial role especially in a society where teamwork is endorsed, and smart solutions are based upon multiple collaborations. It (the CI) consists of a form of intelligence that emerged from t...More
Humberto Cunha posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
The Feedback from Learning by Teaching
The evidence of learning in terms of measurement performs an important role in students' progress. From traditional exams to more technology-sophisticated assignments, feedback draws a crucial result point.In terms of the recursive and reflexive ev...More
Humberto Cunha posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
The “à la carte” (multi)modes of learning
The challenges to delivering quality education range from family structure and support to schools environment that can handle the diversity of teaching strategies. Considering the fact students have different learning time and styles among them, it...More
Humberto Cunha commented on Ubiquitous Learning: where the atmosphere (also) matters in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
This constant need of upgrading concerns us all, @Eleni Tsaireli, as you highlighted so well. Thanks for contributing to the discussion.
Humberto Cunha has one new peer:
Victor Lucas Cavalcante
Added on April 26, 2020
Humberto Cunha posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
Active Learning by means of a technology-for-education experiment
At the moment digital learning ecologies have emerged, knowledge relations in terms of traditional education got impacted. The changes are related to the need for teachers to reinvent teaching methodologies and also students to assume a more active...More
Humberto Cunha commented on Cloud Computing in a Public School Setting in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
@Rebecca Latour, thanks for the testimony. I’ve been facing the same situation in my school. Hope we can all find a solution that better fits us all, especially in times like these.
Humberto Cunha posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
Ubiquitous Learning: where the atmosphere (also) matters
As computing has become ubiquitous so has learning. The perspective of computing (and technology) as a service, assumes a practical approach in most diverse areas such as health, agriculture, and mainly education
Ubiquitous learning (u-learning) r...More
Humberto Cunha commented on Challenges to Ubiquitous Learning in Rural Areas in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
@Sheryl Haile, I’ve been dealing with the same issues here in Brazil. Since when I started learning about UL I got impressed with the possibilities and strengths the concept brings up. At the same time, I couldn’t stop thinking about how...More
Nice approach! I've been using gamification during my programming classes as well. Student's engagement is definitely promising.