Maria Alejandra Quintero’s Updates
UPDATE #2: Structure of the learning module: : "Leveraging ChatGPT as an Interactive Learning Tool for Higher Education: Enhancing Student Engagement and Knowledge Acquisition."
Lorie Roth 1999 wrote an article for the Library Journal titled Educating the cut and paste generation, in the article, Roth expresses the challenges instructors faced with the “new internet”; she questioned if universities were preparing students to navigate successfully through a profusion of media, and focusses on the importance of teaching students how to learn (Roth, 1999). Twenty-four years later, instructors are facing the same concern. However, this time we have the tools to embrace the change and prepare students to live in a world where knowledge can be generated quickly if you have the right keywords.
Hwang and Chen, 2023, describe seven roles of generative AI in education; this course will emphasize the Learning tool Role described as “Helping learners collect and analyze data, working with learners, enabling.
Learners to focus on critical objectives by sharing their loads” (Hwang & Chen, 2023). This module is designed for instructors to leverage ChatGPT in their courses.
The course will cover the following content:
- Introduction to Generative AI. And ChatGPT: This section will address key concepts of generative artificial intelligence and ChatGPT. It will include a discussion board for instructors to comment on their concerns about using ChatGPT in education and its implications in their teaching areas.
- Using ChatGPT: This section will focus on teaching effective ways of using ChatGPT and will include an assignment using prompt search.
- Implementing ChatGPT in the classroom: This section will explore how ChatGPT could be incorporated into their course. Reviewing the following concepts:
- Proofreading
- Content Analysis
- Question generation and Rubric development
- Peer Review
- Ethical implementation of ChatGPT: The instructors will collaborate to create an Ethics code for using ChatGPT in the classroom.
- Final project: For the final project, the instructors will re-engineer a course using ChatGPT and create a project for their students that involves using ChatGPT.
The module's content will be divided into two sections, one for the participant and one for the instruction, similar to teaching notes used in cases. Both sections will have instructional videos and resources that will allow them to understand and teach the concepts. Videos will be developed using the youtube channel Teachers Tech as inspiration.
Hwang, G.-J., & Chen, N.-S. (2023). Editorial Position Paper: Exploring the Potential of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Education: Applications, Challenges, and Future Research Directions.
Roth, L. (1999). Educating the Cut-and-Paste Generation. (Cover story). Library Journal, 124(18), 42.