Activity Stream
Jenny Amos three new peers:
Muhammad Asaduzzaman
Gustave Minto'o M'ebang
Mutume Bienvenu
Added on March 10, 2023
Jenny Amos two new peers:
Hiba Shahid
Abdul Bhuiya
Added on January 20, 2017
Elizabeth Woodburn posted a new update…
I'm a bit overwhelmed by the parallel assignments (Week 8 and final project), but I suppose the condensed class timeframe limits the availability to spread them out
I liked the discussion of simplifying and re-imagining uses for existing technolog...More
Elizabeth Woodburn posted a new update…
The English class that I originally read "Slow Ideas" for in high school emphasized the value of re-reading texts, so I'm glad that I had the opportunity to do so this week. One statement that really stood out was "We're infatuated with the prospect...More
Elizabeth Woodburn posted a new update…
This assigment took forever to complete- not because it was exceedingly difficult, but because I kept wandering off on tangents investigating different devices! I ended up writing about a low-cost neonatal hypo- and hyperthermia monitor, but was als...More
Elizabeth Woodburn posted a new update…
I found the definition and explanation of the concept of ethnography to be interesting- that it isn't just the act of observation, but observing without bias. While coming into a community with the unique persepectives and experiences of an outsider...More
Elizabeth Woodburn posted a new update…
I enjoyed the assigment this week- each time I watched the videos I noticed a new layer of detail
I thought the Hear, Create, Deliver method was really useful; it's important to start the design process by listening to what the actual needs of a c...More
Elizabeth Woodburn posted a new update…
I really enjoyed this week as we got into analyzing actual health technologies. It's hard to transition into a state of mind that accurately realizes the different challenges that low-resource areas face, especially when we are largely unaware of th...More
Elizabeth Woodburn posted a new update…
Slightly off-topic, but I was really excited to see an article by Atul Gawande on the list of reserved materials for the course. Reading one of his books in high school is what really sparked my interest in healthcare improvement. The US heathcare s...More
Elizabeth Woodburn posted a new update…
I wish the lesson had been a bit more in-depth this week, but the brevity was understandable given the need to introduce the course. It was interesting to define “Global Health” as something beyond Community Health, but there was a very...More