Activity Stream
Jennifer Struebing has one new peer:
Vivencio Ballano
Added on April 14, 2021
Jennifer Struebing has one new peer:
Munna Vikram
Added on April 27, 2019
Mauradhwaj singh Rajawat has one new peer:
Munna Vikram
Added on March 11, 2019
Mauradhwaj singh Rajawat has one new peer:
Danford Barnaba Mbonabucha
Added on March 07, 2019
Mauradhwaj singh Rajawat has one new peer:
user1313 user1313
Added on September 29, 2018
Mauradhwaj singh Rajawat has one new peer:
Gift Macauley Ettentuk
Added on June 08, 2018
Mauradhwaj singh Rajawat posted a new update…
Module A2 Week 2 community assignment
Describe the primary sampling units (PSU) and secondary sampling units (SSU) used in country C and in Kinshasa province in the study by Burnett et al
Country C:
The primary sampling units (PSU) is the EA and will be selected on the basis of the P...More
Mauradhwaj singh Rajawat posted a new update…
Module A 2 Week 1 community assignment
1. List items currently missing from the questionnaire that is needed to achieve the stated survey objectives
1. Demographic factors like sex of the child, Place of birth (Health facility or Home), Birth order, Residential (Urban or rural), religi...More
Mauradhwaj singh Rajawat has one new peer:
Pragath Ponnam
Added on October 09, 2017