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Social Pedagogy
Experiential Learning And Teaching
Curriculum Development
Teaching And Assessmenet
Marios Koukounaras Liagkis updated their profile information.
Marios Koukounaras Liagkis created the update Feedback matters.
Marios Koukounaras Liagkis created the update Πώς η Νέα Μάθηση συνδυάζεται με την ανάπτυξη των Ικανοτήτων Δημοκρατικού Πολιτισμού.
Marios Koukounaras Liagkis added interests Social Pedagogy, Experiential Learning and teaching and Curriculum development.
Marios Koukounaras Liagkis changed their profile image.
Marios Koukounaras Liagkis added the interest Teaching and assessmenet.