Χαριδημούλα Δασκαλάκη’s Updates
Αναστοχαστικο ημερολόγιο Δασκαλάκη Χαριδημούλα
Χαριδημούλα Δασκαλάκη commented on an update 16. Teaching Intercultural Listening: Research and Best Practices in EDUGI-698 Spring_2024.
Χαριδημούλα Δασκαλάκη commented on an update 7. Best Practices for Exploring Culturally Responsive Teaching and Design in the Online Environment in EDUGI-698 Spring_2024.
Χαριδημούλα Δασκαλάκη commented on an update 2. Introduction to Differentiation: Responsive Teaching in EDUGI-698 Spring_2024.
Χαριδημούλα Δασκαλάκη commented on an update 13. FIT Europe Fani Keramida, Head of Unit for Interculturalism & Social Awareness, Greek Ministry for Migration Policy with and Effie Vlachou, Rapporteur, Unit for Interculturalism & Social Awareness, Greek Ministry for Migration Policy explain what Gree in EDUGI-698 Spring_2024.
Χαριδημούλα Δασκαλάκη commented on an update 23. Who are you? in EDUGI-698 Spring_2024.
Χαριδημούλα Δασκαλάκη commented on an update 18. Diversity in the Classroom - Cultural Infusion Programs in Australia in EDUGI-698 Spring_2024.
Χαριδημούλα Δασκαλάκη commented on an update 6. Bringing Cultural Context and Self-Identity into Education: Brian Lozenski at TEDxUMN in EDUGI-698 Spring_2024.