Activity Stream
Francesco Borg Bonello posted a new update…
Project Artefact - MindMeister
Hey Guys!
The appilication that I cannot wait to show you is MindMeister!
MindMeister is an online mind mapping application that allows its users to visualize, share and present their thoughts via the cloud. This app provides a way to visualize in...More
Francesco Borg Bonello posted a new update…
Task - Week 11 (Define Ontology)
According to Techopedia:
An ontology can be a representation of related ideas within a specific sector that defines the links between those ideas. The sector can be used to study and evaluate the existence of things within a specific sector and can...More
Francesco Borg Bonello posted a new update…
Task - Week 9 (Pedagogical Agents)
1) What desirable characteristics would you most like in your personal pedagogical agent?
The most desirable characteristics would be that the pedagogical agent would be able to build a profile over time, based on my preferences that it learns alon...More
Andrew Emanuel Attard posted a new update…
Hello all,
In my personal pedagogical agent I would like to see the following characteristics:
With reference to the paper attached, the agent should be customised according to user preferences, specifically with regards to appearance and beha...More
Ryan Vella three new peers:
Gabriele Borg
Daniel Cherrett
Megan Montebello
Added on November 05, 2019
Michael Pulis two new peers:
Gabriele Borg
Daniel Cherrett
Added on November 05, 2019
Ryan Camilleri three new peers:
Michael Pulis
Andrew Magri
Alex Bartolo
Added on November 05, 2019
Francesco Borg Bonello three new peers:
Gabriele Borg
Jeremy Busuttil
Daniel Cherrett
Added on October 21, 2019
Gabriele Borg has one new peer:
Daniel Cherrett
Added on October 21, 2019
Megan Montebello three new peers:
Daniel Cherrett
Francesco Borg Bonello
Gabriele Borg
Added on October 21, 2019
JeremyBusuttil starred an update by JeremyBusuttil…
Task Week 3 - The intelligent Virtual Training Environment for Dental Surgery
Starred at October 12, 2019
Jeremy Busuttil posted a new update…
Task Week 3 - The intelligent Virtual Training Environment for Dental Surgery
Task Week 3 - The intelligent Virtual Training Environment for Dental Surgery
From the Intelligence Unleashed what most got my attention was how Intelligent virtual reality systems can be used to aid the student in learning in authentic environment...More
Andrew Magri has one new peer:
Daniel Cherrett
Added on October 07, 2019
Alex Bartolo two new peers:
Daniel Cherrett
Jeremy Busuttil
Added on October 07, 2019