Activity Stream
Calvin Tonga three new peers:
Vivencio Ballano
Tatiana Djikeussi
Clauvis Martial Ngainang Nzeakou
Added on May 11, 2021
Calvin Tonga joined one community:
OMS INÉGALITÉS cours Scholar de certification niveau 2: Réduction des inégalités et amélioration de la couverture vaccinale (octobre 2019)
Added on September 30, 2019
Calvin Tonga joined two communities:
WHO INEQUITIES Scholar Level 2 certification: Reducing inequities and improving coverage (May 2019)
A2-FR-Survey Scholar-FR-Module A2
Added on May 23, 2019
Charles Marcelin Ewa'Sama Essoue joined two communities:
WHO INEQUITIES Scholar Level 2 certification: Reducing inequities and improving coverage (May 2019)
A2-FR-Survey Scholar-FR-Module A2
Added on May 13, 2019
Lambert Singo has one new peer:
Gatanga Thyno
Added on March 22, 2019
Charles Marcelin Ewa'Sama Essoue has one new peer:
Alain Claude Dongmo
Added on March 10, 2019