Taro Kita’s Updates
For the uncompleted community assignment 1
Dear XXX,
We, the JRCS ERU Emergency Clinic, have been in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh since September 2017 to respond to the ongoing Population Movement Operation.
Safer Access Framework, directly or indirectly (through BDRCS), has been the key concept to guide the ERU operation to ensure safety and security of the delegates, national staff and volunteers, and acceptance of the team as well as access to the beneficiary communities.
With regard to security management, Host National Society always play crucial role in every emergency operation, because they are the ones who have been in the country providing support to vulnerable population and communities in accordance with the Fundamental principles. Therefore you, ERU as one of the movement’s global and regional tools together with FACT and RDRT, are always counting on acceptance and access to the beneficiary communities even if you are outsider.
However, one of the characteristics of the PMO is that there are 2 groups, displaced population and host community, to ensure acceptance and access.
Initial concern to the team was all the potential security risks within the camp caused by the displaced population because the team was not sure how the beneficiaries, population from Myanmar, perceive the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, whether they accept support from the movement or if you have access to the beneficiary communities.
Therefore the team was focused on increasing acceptance and access to the displaced population by recruiting volunteers from beneficiary communities, and the effort seemed successful as the team managed to establish and maintain maximum 9 activity bases in the middle of beneficiary camps where only displaced populations are allowed to stay at night.
Occurrence of demonstration organized by the host community, who are economically suffering from the population movement, sometimes hampered the ERU activity. Rising tension between host community and the displaced population are also being reported.
Presence of the host community was often overlooked in the ERU objectives particularly if your activities are located inside of the camp and mostly dealing with the displaced population.
SAF elements of Legal base, external communication and coordination as well as acceptance of the organization will be the key to deal with the current security challenge sorrounding the operation.
Therefore the role of BDRCS, as auxiliary to the Government authority and one of the prominent in-country humanitarian organizations who has been partnering with various stakeholders and enjoying acceptance and access to the host communities, will be more and more important to ensure safety and security of the operation.
Much appreciated for your kind feedback and inputs.
Regards, Taro