Activity Stream
Khalid Mazhar posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
The slogan of adaptive learning is “ Teach to a student, and not to a class”
Adaptive e-learning is a learning process in which the content is taught or adapted based on the responses of the students' learning styles or preferences
It done as a...More
Khalid Mazhar posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
The concept is pretty much similar to crowdsourcing. It is heavily based on an old philosophy that a group of people can acheive a greater good than one great genius. The book 'the wisdoms of crowds' by James surowiecki had provided a great push tow...More
Khalid Mazhar posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
Simulations are a great way to explain ideas in sciences
Simulations make learning by adding three stages that are tightly knitted:
1. They have static pictures to visualize the idea2. They show motion pictures that explain the whole process wi...More
Khalid Mazhar posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
Flipped Classrooms
By Khalid Mazhar
One of the transitionary pillars in smoothly moving from old classrooms to digital and ubiquitous learning environments
You ask students to have a taste of what will be discussed during a lesson beforehand, ma...More
Abdulaziz Hadi Asiri Mr three new peers:
Khalid Mazhar
Mohammed Jaber A Aljohani
Maha Alshahrani
Added on March 11, 2023
Mohammed Al Qahtani posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
" مبادئ التعليم المتمايز وكيفيّة تطبيقه داخل الفصل الدراسي"
ما هي مبادئ التعليم المتمايز ؟
تتعدد تعريفات التعليم المتمايز Differentiated Instruction أو التعليم القائم على مبادئ الفروق الفردية ، وأرى أن أقربها إلى البساطة والواقعية ذلك التعريف الذي أتت به Carol Ann Tomlinson والذي ينص على أن التعليم المتما...More
Khalid Mazhar has one new peer:
Mohammed Jaber A Aljohani
Added on March 05, 2023
Mohammed Al Qahtani has one new peer:
Mohammed Jaber A Aljohani
Added on March 05, 2023
Ngobillong Christiane three new peers:
Mohammed Jaber A Aljohani
Abdulaziz Hadi Asiri Mr
Richard Smith
Added on March 05, 2023
Mohammed Al Qahtani posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
قيادة أدمغتنا من خلال التفكير في ( ما وراء المعرفة )
Students who succeed academically often rely on being able to think effectively and independently in order to take charge of their learning. These students have mastered fundamental but crucial skills such as keeping their workspace organized, com...More
Mohammed Al Qahtani posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
الذكاء التعاوني هو تتويج لأكثر من خمسين عامًا من البحث الأصلي الذي يعتمد على خلفية Dawna Markova في علم الأعصاب الإدراكي وأحدث أعمالها ، مع Angie McArthur ، بصفتها "شريكًا مهنيًا في التفكير" لبعض كبار المديرين التنفيذيين والمهنيين المبدعين في العا...More