About Ernest Okyere-Twum
A doctoral student who seeks to be a researcher and lecturer. My field of interest mental health, wellbeing, video addiction, and religion
Centre for Mental Health Research in Africa
- Director
- August 2022 to Present
Universite Paris Cite
- Doctoral Researcher
- Psychology
- January 2020 to Present
Universite Paris Cite
- PhD (Psychology)
- October 2018 to Present
Pursuing a doctoral degree in social psychology. I am focusing on adolescents executive function and the impact video game and internet have on them especially those with autism and ADHD
Akrofi Christaller Institute
- Master of Theology
- August 2015 to Present
Pursuing an MTh in African Christianity by distance learning. My dissertation focused on a comparative analysis of the concept of atonement of Christ and trokosi (a Ghanaian religio-cultural practice) among the Ewe of Ghana. I took courses in Christian Faith and Primal Religions of the World, Early African Christianity, The Root of Modern African Theology, Aspect of World Christian History, Christian Faith and Islam in Africa, Issues in Gospel and Culture.
Trinity Theological Seminary
- MA (Ministry)
- February 2012 to November 2013
I enrolled in a Master of Art in Pastoral Ministry at Trinity Theological Seminary. I studied courses in New & Old Testament, Christian Doctrine, Christian Missions, Biblical Hermeneutics, Expository Preaching, Pastoral Care & Counseling, Reading in African Christian Thoughts, Christian Chaplaincy, Pentecostal & Charismatic Movements, History of Christianity in Africa.
Social Psychology
Religion And Politics
Internet And Video Game Addiction
Mental Health And Well Being