Activity Stream
Isadora Quay three new peers:
Jonny Bon
Vivencio Ballano
Raihanul Fardaus Shahreen
Added on September 21, 2023
Amel Abdelfadil Eldihaib Elradi two new peers:
Vivencio Ballano
Aelaf Habte Woldeyes
Added on June 01, 2021
Abdirashid Yousuf Omer has one new peer:
Aelaf Habte Woldeyes
Added on March 05, 2020
Moges Tefera has one new peer:
Aelaf Habte Woldeyes
Added on February 20, 2020
Male Thienken has one new peer:
Aelaf Habte Woldeyes
Added on February 20, 2020
Moges Tefera posted a new update…
Dear ACD Programs,
Sub: Gender gap assessment to compliment the upcoming multi-agency assessment in Kirkuk
I would like to finorm you that I have selected four key areas, as per your recommendation, to enable the multi-agency assessment...More
Amel Abdelfadil Eldihaib Elradi posted a new update…
Findings and Analysis
Gender Roles and Responsibilities: Women, men, boys and girls have distinct gender roles and responsibilities in Iraq. Understanding gender norms is crucial to understand the impact of the crisis, of displacement, and how best...More
Abdirashid Yousuf Omer posted a new update…
Week four Assignment Abdirashid Yousuf
Week four Assignment
Many thanks for sharing this. please find below the preliminary analysis from the assessment data you have shared let me know incase you need more information or clarifications on this
Kirkuk RGA – Addendum
Moges Tefera has one new peer:
Ladislous Chowoita
Added on December 15, 2019
Abdirashid Yousuf Omer posted a new update…
Week three Assignment Abdirashid Yousuf
Week three assignment Abdirashid Yousuf
Here is the proposed rapid gender analysis work plan to share with the mult-sectoral assessment teams I stay in touch to support the process let me know in case you need any. I will appreciate to be p...More
Moges Tefera posted a new update…
Week 3 Assignment - Data Collection Plan Moges Tefera
Sub: Gender gap assessment to compliment the upcoming multi-agency assessment in Kirkuk
Dear ACD Programs, CARE Iraq
I have selected four key areas, as per your recommendation, to enable the multi-agency assessment is gender sensitive and consider...More
Amel Abdelfadil Eldihaib Elradi posted a new update…
Week 2 Community Assignment - Amel A.E.E
Dear Amelia,
Kindly find attached a preliminary RGA. This is a live base document; we should update as more data becomes available
In the context of Kirkuk, ongoing fighting, violence and high number of IDPS, it is critical that we understand we...More
Male Thienken posted a new update…
Week 2 assignment - Preliminary RGA
Dear Amelia
Thanks a lot for your email. Please find attached the preliminary RGA for Kirkuk with the following key findings:
Therefore it is essential to
Please do not hesitate to contact me for any further information. I am happy to discuss...More
Amel Abdelfadil Eldihaib Elradi three new peers:
Katia Urteaga Villanueva
Male Thienken
Ewa Wieliczko
Added on November 24, 2019