Activity Stream
Roberto Castaneda three new peers:
My Daraz Shop
Anna Everson
Adam Matteson
Added on August 03, 2022
Sameer, Muhammad Toor posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
Update#7: Differentiated learning - Pedagogy with new media
Differentiated learning means every learners has some opportunities which match their interest and ability – hence inclusive classrooms. The idea is exact contrary to exclusion model in traditional teaching where learner (or learner groups) are labe...More
Sameer, Muhammad Toor posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
Update #5: Collaborative Knowledge creation and opportunities for Learning today
This affordance of collaboration is vital in present day fabric of learning in a social manner. As we deviate from didactic model of learning where the learners is the solely responsible for demonstrating learning using his/her memorized content, th...More
Sameer, Muhammad Toor posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
Present day digital technologies have changed the way we exchange information available on media. The transition from receiver of knowledge to an active participant in making and shaping the course information is developed online is possible due to...More
Sameer, Muhammad Toor posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
Update #3: Multimodal Meaning - Entry and Exit points of learning activities
Multimodal approach, I believe, negates the Learning Style theory which stresses on a certain mode for certain learners. Multimodal learning approach says it a good complementing combination of all available media which helps deepen learning. Now it...More
Sameer, Muhammad Toor posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
Active Learning / Active Meaning Making
Active Learning concept stresses in the active intellectual engagement of the learners with the content. The basic philosophy is based in ‘a recalibration of the balance agency’ Cope and Kalantzis (2017) so that the learners adopt roles of Knowledge...More
Sameer, Muhammad Toor posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
Creating Learning Ecologies using Connectivism
Learning without walls, free of time and space boundaries where learners are allowed to work on the task at hand as and when they feel appropriate. Purposeful absence of continuous teacher control and guidance, giving more room to learners. The role...More
Sameer, Muhammad Toor posted an update in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC…
Hi, This is Sameer from Pakistan
Hi Community
This is Sameer Toor from Paksitan. I am working with Beaconouse School System (Regional Office) in the capacity of PD trainer re using DTs to support teaching and learning. I hold a masters degree in English Literature, and in Computer...More