Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

A One-Dimension Learning Differences; Visual Learners and its Literacy Strategies

Every student has its own learning differences, not all students to some extent can either have the same or acquire every learnings; In addition, there's one dimension in particular that I had in mind, which is learning styles. In an article from the Western Governors University (2022), they defined learning styles as something that can only be used in education and within learning what learning styles are, this well-known theory can teach students when taught, in such that it matches their respective learning style.

With this, these learning styles contains the following; Visual Learners, Auditory Learners, Kinesthetic Learners, and Reading and Writing Learners. These four learner difference are fairly common to students as it depends on what type of learner they are. Furthermore, these four also contains their own literacy strategies in which we'll focus on more about Visual Learners. According to Flavin (2019), students who are Visual Learners absorb information within the use of pictures, diagrams, charts, or to be considered, essays work well for them; Especially when teachers illustrate, visual learners may remember them more efficiently. Moreover, visual learning also means that students need to see information in order to learn via color/tone, brightness/contrast, and other means of visual information (Roell, 2019).

Being a visual learner can potentially have its strengths, Roell (2019) mentions some of the strengths of being a visual learner; instinctively follows directions, can envision imagery easily, has a strong sense of color (and being color-oriented), easily visualizes objects and more. As stated previosly, the four learner differences has its own literacy strategies, for instance the visual learning has some, including charts and colors as previosly stated, theres also videos, animations, and even infographics in order to explain a rather intricate concept and to provide convenience in visual note-taking and also mind mapping.


Flavin, B. (2019, May 6). Different types of learners: What college students should know. Rasmussen University.

Roell, K. (2019). The visual learning style. ThoughtCo.

Western Governors University. (2022, February 2). Learnings about learning styles. Western Governors University.

  • Chaima Nheri