Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

Show To Tell: Visual Learning Strategies

Multimodal learning, as described by Litonjua (2020), is an instructional approach that blends various modes to convey a concept effectively. These modes encompass speech, audio, written and print materials, and illustrations. In today's educational landscape, these modalities are seamlessly integrated into many online learning platforms. However, comprehending the principles of multimodal learning is paramount for educators striving to enhance their instructional strategies. By concurrently engaging learners through multiple learning styles, educators can establish a versatile learning environment that caters to a wide spectrum of preferences and cognitive strengths.


The idea that students perform optimally when educational activities align with their preferred learning styles gained prominence in the 1970s. This perspective underscores the educators' responsibility to provide a range of learning activities that resonate with the distinct needs and preferences of students, thereby augmenting their learning productivity. One framework that sheds light on these learning styles is the VARK model, pioneered by Neil Fleming, a teacher from New Zealand. VARK classifies learners into four primary types, each linked to a specific learning preference. In this discussion, we emphasize visual learning. Bay Atlantic University (2022) elucidates that visual learners excel when they interact with information presented as visual images, including photos, graphs, diagrams, and other visual aids. Their knack for remembering faces, places, and details is honed by creating mental visual representations. Visual learning capitalizes on an individual's visual sensory modes to foster a deeper understanding of the environment and the material presented. This learning style employs a plethora of visual stimuli, such as images, maps, slides, and graphs, to streamline the process of notetaking and information retention. It comprises several elements and confers myriad benefits that students can leverage during their study sessions.


The merits of visual learning extend beyond mere information retention; it infuses the learning process with engagement and enjoyment. Immersing oneself in images, charts, and visual aids during study significantly enhances students' attention, focus, motivation, critical thinking abilities, and overall comprehension of the material. Furthermore, it is imperative to recognize the synergies that can arise from different learning styles complementing each other. For instance, adding subtitles to a video can enhance understanding, while incorporating visually stimulating elements in a presentation can ignite motivation to learn.


Understanding and accommodating diverse learning styles, particularly visual learning, is foundational for educators seeking to optimize the efficacy of their teaching methods. By crafting a multifaceted learning experience that caters to a multitude of preferences and cognitive strengths, educators can elevate the quality of education and make learning a more engaging and enriching journey for students.



Bay Atlantic University. (2022, January 24). Show, Don’t Tell: What It Means to Be a Visual Learner. Bay Atlantic University.

Litonjua, E. (2020, December 16). What Is Multimodal Learning? ELearning Industry.


  • Chaima Nheri