Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

The Use of Video Within Classrooms

A curriculum resource or practise that connects audio and/or oral meanings to reading are educational videos. Educational videos combine visual information along with audio to convey their message. They are commonly used to help deepen students’ understanding of the topic, because it provides a bit of variety as a break from traditional class lectures. In addition, the fact that videos involve moving visuals can help students visualise concepts as they are being explained (Alber, 2019). Again, the fact that videos are a form of multimodal communication also allows for students to pick up on changes in tone, which can be useful in learning certain topics and subjects, particularly in language classes. Within written text, the only indicators students can use to pick up on expression are the actual wording of the text itself, as well as the punctuation used. Video content is able to eliminate that because students can audibly hear the topic be explained to them.

Using multimodal resources also helps promote creativity in the classroom (McLachlan, 2021). Integrating videos in class discussions allows the teacher to put variety into the discussion, and I feel that it also shows students that they can express their thoughts in a variety of ways. While the lecture may be about a specific topic, educational videos show that there are other ways to illustrate the lesson other than by written text. Additionally, the fact that the message is also presented audibly allows the teacher to cater to those that are more comfortable with an auditory learning style while still benefiting visual learners (Bay Atlantic University, 2021).

Alber, R. (2019, March 18). Using Video Content to Amplify Learning. Edutopia.

Bay Atlantic University. (2021, September 27). 8 Types of Learning Styles | The Definitive Guide.

McLachlan, C. (2021, January 12). Multiliteracies in Early Childhood Education.,graphics%2C%20and%20film%20through%20technology.


  • Chaima Nheri